This is a fast-paced billiards game built using Unity and NVIDIA PhysX. The objective is to pot the ball (indicated by an arrow) into the corner pockets as quickly as possible, minimizing the number of shots taken. The game ends when all balls are potted. The time taken is calculated as "5 + the number of shots".
Billiards compete for speed game (billiard).
Billiards compete for speed game (billiard).
(The shot in the direction of the arrow) to touch the ball nine written by the arrow,
Is a game in the shot put at the corners little as possible as soon as possible.
If there are no ball is the end game of all.
Is "x5 + shot the number of time" is time.
Powered by Unity - 3D Game Engine + ex2D
Powered by NVIDIA PhysX physics engine
This unique billiards game offers a challenging and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. The combination of speed and precision requires strategic thinking and quick reflexes. Enjoy the thrill of the game!
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